Invited Talks

1. M. Prevostini
 Introduction to SysML
 Workshop on UML for SoC and Embedded Systems Design
 DATE '07, Nice, France, April 2007, (PDF)

2. M. Prevostini
 L'utilizzo di UML per descrivere sistemi misti hardware e software
 SUPSI, Dipartimento Tecnologie Innovative, Master in Advanced Computer Science
 Prof. Giambattista Ravano
 Lugano-Manno, Switzerland, April 2006, (PDF)

3. M. Prevostini
 UML for System-Level Design
 Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
 Prof. Mariagiovanna Sami
 Milan, Italy, May 2004

4. M. Prevostini
 UML-Based Process for Embedded Systems
 Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
 Prof. Mariagiovanna Sami
 Milan, Italy, May 2003

5. M. Prevostini
 The Wireless Meter Reader - UML Case Study
 SUPSI, Dipartimento Tecnologie Innovative, Master in Advanced Computer Science
 Prof. Giambattista Ravano
 Lugano-Manno, Switzerland, February 2003